TODAY’S TOOL – Smart Phone Tripod

If you are thinking about becoming a content creator, the first you you need to have is a smart phone. Which if you are reading this article there is a very strong possibility that you already have one of those. And honestly if you are just getting started that is all you need. Lean your phone up against a shelf, prop it up with a book, or just hold it out and shoot it as a selfie video. Do whatever it takes to get started.

Once you have gotten to the point where you are ready to up your game just a little but have no desire to break the bank, its time to find a tripod that suits you needs. A couple of weeks into making videos I was already tired of coming up with creative placement points for my phone, and praying it didn’t fall over mid shot. So started looking for a tripod that worked for my phone. I didn’t know what I was looking for I just knew it needed to be cheap.

The UBeesize 51″ tripod fit the bill, it was inexpensive, was infinitely adjustable, even doubled as a selfie stick and included a free blue tooth remote control for my phone. I tested the remote a couple of times and it worked but I had not interest in that. However the tripod itself work perfectly.

I was now no longer limited to sitting my phone on the nearest shelf, and not working about the shooting angle. I could set it wear I wanted to and adjust it to the height I needed. The best part is almost two years later I am still using that same tripod. Not just the same model but the exact same tripod. About a year in I stripped the nut that you use to tighten it with and I just replaced it with one from my junk bin and I was good to go.

Upgrading video shooting equipment can be addictive so be careful. My next stop was a high quality wireless mic.


Smart Phone Tripod

Wireless Mic


Smart Phone Tripod

Wireless Mic

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